Berättelser ur verkliga livet, del 3
MS Chrons tarmsjukdom Epithelioid Sarcoma (cancer) Hjärntumör Diarré Demens
Läkare med MS reste sig ur sin rullstol
Dr. Terry Wahls, amerikansk läkare med MS, berättar hur hon blev frisk genom att börja äta enbart det som är bra för mitokondrierna, cellernas kraftverk. Föreläsningen är 17 minuter och väl värd den tiden!
"Jag ger mig inte förrän alla mår bra"
Stress från en lång och besvärlig sjukdomstid, i kombination med stark medicinering, gav Zarah en svår tarmsjukdom, Chrons, som hon tampats med genom åren, men som stabiliserats genom en kost fri från allergener. Hon utesluter produkter som innehåller mjölk, vete, soja och socker, boostar sig med oerhört mycket näring, är noga med träning, återhämtning och sömn och har på så sätt lärt sig att hantera sjukdomen och ge sin kropp chans till självläkning.
Det började med att Zarah, mellan 10 och 20 års ålder, hade haft svår huvudvärk. Hon svimmade ofta, hade svårt med minnet, tappade känseln i benen och synen på vänster öga. När hon vid 20 års ålder fick en hjärnblödning från ett anerysm som brast i hjärnan, fick hon kämpa sig tillbaka med svåra smärtor, långdragna, riskfyllda operationer och lång återhämtningstid. När den andra hjärnblödningen kom 1 1/2 år senare, stod hon inför ett vägskäl i sin syn på livet. Då talet inte fungerade som det skulle, och minnet svek, var hon tvungen att börja arbeta med sin kommunikation.
-Istället för att ge upp och välja att dö, valde jag att leva, säger Zarah. Jag valde att träna upp mina förlorade förmågor och framförallt.... så valde jag att viga mitt liv åt att hjälpa andra människor.
Idag lever Zarah med filosofin, att hon vill hjälpa alla som inte har energi till att bli friska, eller som behöver extra stöttning och omtanke i en svår situation. Hon brinner för barnhälsa och för att sprida kunskap.
Zarah har utbildat sig inom kost/näring och hälsa och är bland annat näringsterapeut, kostrådgivare och hälsopedagog.
- Än idag har jag minnesluckor från min sjukdomstid, och har tappat tre år av gymnasietiden, men med hjälp av nära och kära, har jag skapat en bra bild över vad jag gjorde på den tiden och med vilka jag umgicks med.
Zarah använder sig av devisen att hon vill hjälpa alla och på hennes forskningsblogg står hennes hälsobudskap tydligt... "för jag ger mig inte förrän alla människor i världen mår bra". Hon är flitigt återkommande på tv och radio, i tidningar, på hennes 50 (!) hemsidor och hon är en uppskattad föreläsare och utbildare.
Några ställen du kan hitta Zarah på:
Hon skulle amputera sin arm - hon la om kosten istället
Så här skriver Jessica själv. Hon är 25 år, från Australien:
Just over two years ago I was diagnosed with a very aggressive, rare form of cancer called Epithelioid Sarcoma, which is in my left hand and arm. After having a high dose of chemo pumped through my arm following scans showed I was clear of cancer. Little did I know it would come back, not even a year after going into remission.
After being told by the scary men in white coats that my only real chance of long-term survival would be to have my arm amputated at the shoulder I decided to take matters into my own hands (excuse the pun). I politely refused their offers of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation and began searching for natural, alternative cancer treatments.
The way I saw it I had two choices. I could rely on the slash, poison and burn method offered to me by the medical profession and become stuck in the ‘cancer patient’ category for who knows how long, or I could take responsibility for my illness and bring my body to optimum health so that it can heal itself. For me it was an easy decision. Chemo and radiation do not have great success on the type of cancer I have, and there is no way I’m going to let them cut my arm off.
The good news: I will be healthy, happy and have two arms.
The catch: everything about life as I know it would change dramatically. I quit my magazine job in Sydney, swapping a lifestyle of back-to-back parties for one of relaxation and meditation. Ditching a diet that consisted mostly of champagne, canapés and late night Lean Cuisine I became a carrot juice guzzling, lentil-loving vegan. I packed up and moved back to the Sunshine Coast in Queensland to live with my family and began devoting all my time and energy to restoring my health.
Läs mer på Jessicas blog:
Läkaren som fick en hjärntumör la om sin kost
Boken finns nu på svenska! Anticancer - ett nytt sätt att leva.
David Servan-Schreiber, M.D., Ph.D. som har skrivit boken "Anticancer: A New Way Of Life" berättar själv i en tidningsartikel 20 februari 2010 i The Huffington Post, USA:
"At age 31, my life took a sudden turn. I was an ambitious physician and
neuroscience researcher who reveled in discovery and glittering science
projects. Then, slipping into a brain scanner one evening in place of a
subject who hadn't shown up, I was suddenly stripped of my white-coat
status and thrown into the gray world of patients: That evening, I
discovered that I had brain cancer.
Being a physician and scientist is no protection from getting cancer.
But it allowed me to dig deeply into the medical and scientific
literature to find out everything I could do to help my body resist the
disease most efficiently and try to beat the median survival of a few
The first thing I learned is that we all carry cancer cells in us. But I
also learned we all have natural defenses that generally prevent these
cells from turning into an aggressive disease. These include our immune
system, the part of our biology that controls and reduces inflammation,
and the foods that reduce the growth of new blood vessels needed by
developing tumors.
In the West, one out of three people will develop cancer. But two-thirds
will not. For these people, their natural defenses will have kept
cancer at bay. I understood it would be essential for me to learn how to
strengthen these defenses.
A Cancer Epidemic
My own disease is just one case in a cancer epidemic plaguing western
societies. Cancer rates have been climbing steadily in the US since
1940. This is not due simply to the increase use of screening tests or
the aging of our population: cancer has been rising in children and
adolescents at a rate of 1 to 1.5 percent per year in the past 25 years.
[1] And cancers that have no screening test (lymphomas, pancreatic and
testicular cancers for example) have been increasing as fast or faster
than those that do (breast, colon, prostate). [2]
Asian countries did not experience this rise until recently. [3] Yet,
Asian immigrants in the US have the same rates of western cancers as
Caucasian Americans after one or two generations [4 , 5]
Not a Genetic Lottery
Thus, cancer is not a genetic lottery. A new model has emerged from the
last 10 years of research. It moves away from genetics and squarely into
life-style factors that we can learn to control.
A New England Journal of Medicine
study conducted by the University of Copenhagen showed that people who
were adopted at birth had the cancer risk of their adoptive parents
rather than that of the parents who gave them their genes [6]. At
most, genetic factors contribute 15 percent to our cancer risk. What
matters for 85 percent of cancers is what we do -- or do not do enough
of -- with our life [3].
Life-style Choices Trump Genes
Indeed, a new Cambridge University study has shown that people who
follow simple healthy life-style rules reduce their chances of dying
from cardiovascular disease or cancer by roughly a factor of four. [7]
At Ohio State University, another team followed women with breast cancer
(stage II) who all had surgery and conventional treatment. Some did not
do any more than that, but others participated in an education group
focused on better nutrition, more physical activity, and simple
relaxations methods such as "progressive muscle relaxation", similar to
yoga. Those who learned to change their life-style were 68 percent less
likely to die from their cancer in the next 11 years. [8]
Other recent studies -- from the University of San Francisco -- found
that such simple life-style changes in men with prostate cancer,
completely change the way genes behave, including the genes of cancer
cells. This research shows that life-style choices play on our genes
like a pianist's fingers play on a keyboard ... transforming the body's
ability to resist cancer growth. [9-11]
And in 2009 a stunning reversal of groupthink on the role of genes in
breast cancer: Women with the ominous BRCA-1 or 2 genes (80 percent
chance of developing breast cancer), reduce their risk by 73 percent if
they eat a good variety of vegetables and fruits, showed University of
Montreal researchers. [12] Are these really "breast cancer genes" then,
as they've been touted to be all along? Or are they simply junk-food
intolerance genes?
Changing the "Terrain"
When it comes to treating cancer, there is no alternative to
conventional treatments: surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy,
immunotherapy or, soon, molecular genetics.
However, these treatments target the tumor much like an army wages war:
focusing on destroying the cancerous cells. They do not help prevent the
disease if we don't have it, and, if we do, they do not help the body
build up it's natural resistance to make the treatments work better.
For prevention or better disease management, it is important to change
the environment --- the "terrain" -- that supports the growth of new
cancer cells, even if treatment pounds them with targeted attacks.
Modern research suggests that cancer cells grow much faster under three circumstances:
1. When our immune system is weakened and less capable of detecting and destroying budding tumors.
2. When low-grade chronic inflammation in our body supports the
multiplication of cells and the invasion of neighboring tissue.
3. When tumors are allowed to develop new blood vessels to expand to a
larger size, much like a city expands when allowed to develop new
When we strengthen our immune system, reduce inflammation and reduce the
growth of new blood vessel, we help create an anticancer "terrain".
Anticancer Choices
For better prevention, or better treatment results, nothing can beat the
combination of conventional medicine (early screenings, or
chemotherapy, surgery, radiotherapy, etc.) with an anticancer way of
life: A way of living through which we begin to nourish every aspect of
health within our bodies:
1. Cleaning up our diet: reducing sugar -- which feeds cancer growth and inflammation.
Refined sugar is abundant in desserts, soft drinks (one can of Coke
contains 12 coffee-size packs of sugar...), sauces (Ketchup, ready-made
salad dressing, etc.), white flour which is equivalent to sugar as far as the body is concerned
(white bread, bagels, muffins, etc.), and reducing pro-inflammatory
omega-6 fatty acids (red meats, dairy, corn, sunflower, soybean and
safflower oils, and trans-fats).
2. Adding anti-cancer foods:
including in our diet every day, three times a day, foods that help
fight cancer. Such as anticancer herbs and spices (green tea, turmeric,
ginger , thyme, rosemary, mint, basil, sage), omega-3 rich
foods (salmon, sardines, mackerel, walnuts, green vegetables),
cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage), garlic, onions
and leeks, red berries, plums, blueberries for dessert, dark chocolate
(more than 70 percent cocoa), and even a little bit of red wine.
3. Engaging in physical activity: it doesn't have to be marathon
training, not even jogging. Just rapid walking 30 minutes six times a
week already dramatically reduces the chances of a relapse after breast
cancer treatment or the risk of advanced prostate cancer. And physical
activity has been found to help survival with many different types of
cancer. [13]
4. Managing our response to stress: we can't avoid stress in our
life, but we can learn to respond differently than with clenched teeth,
stone-hard back muscles and pressure in our chest. Basic breathing
techniques that have been around as part of oriental mental and physical
hygiene techniques for thousands of years (Yoga, Chi Gong, mindfulness
meditation) can transform our response to stress and strengthen our
resistance to disease. And simply reaching out to one or two friends
during hard times can even reduce the risk of dying from breast cancer
by a factor of four. [14]
5. Cleaning up our immediate environment: in-door pollutants,
parabens and phthalates in cosmetics, scratched Teflon pans,
percholorethylene of dry-cleaning, PVCs and bisphenol A from liquids in
contact with hard plastics, radiomagnetic fields of prolonged cell phone
exposures are the leading and most easily controlled causes.
As a physician with cancer, I've
discovered that we can all create an anticancer biology for ourselves
through the choices we make in our lives. They cannot replace the
benefits of surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy, and do not have the
same support from as many large controlled trials to back them up.
However, the life-style changes discussed above are demonstrated to
improve health and new scientific evidence suggests they slow down
cancer too.
Indeed, as strange as it may seem, I'm in better health and happier
today than before I was ever ill. I feel more at peace, lighter, with
more energy and drive and passion for life. A few years ago, my
neuro-oncologist unwillingly reminded me of the odds against this
happening when he told me "I don't know if I should tell you this, but
I'm always happy to see you at your follow-up visits, because you're one
of the very rare patients I have who is doing well!"
Most people who start on this health journey notice a difference within a
few weeks. Recent studies suggest that such life-style changes start
improving mood and well-being after two to four months, and can have an
impact on cancer statistics within a year or two of follow-up. (Andersen
et al. 2004, 2008; Blake-Mortimer et al. 1999; Fawzy et al. 1990, 1993;
Monti et al. 2006, Spiegel et al. 1989)
What I've learned in my own journey of 17 years with cancer is that the best way to go on living is to nourish life at all levels of my being: through my meals three times a day, through my walks in nature, through the meaning and purpose in my work, through the flow of love in my relationships, and through the protection of our environment. Science told me that this slows down cancer, but, perhaps even more importantly, it brings to my life, every day, a new light and a new purpose."
For more info about Anticancer and Dr. Servan-Schreiber, please visit
Stay connected and benefit from the latest Anticancer insight by joining the official Anticancer Facebook Page:
1. Steliarova-Foucher, E., et al., Geographical patterns and time
trends of cancer incidence and surviva
l among children and adolescents
in Europe since the 1970s (the ACCIS project): an epidemiological study.
The Lancet, 2004. 364(9451): p. 2097-2105.
2. Parkin, D., et al., Cancer Incidence in Five Continents, Volumes I
to VIII., in IARC CancerBase No. 7. 2005, World Health Organization:
Lyon, France.
3. Stewart, B.W. and P. Kleihues, eds. World Cancer Report. 2003, W.H.O IARC Press: Lyon, France.
4. Yatani, R., et al., Trends in frequency of latent prostate
carcinoma in Japan from 1965-1979 to 1982-1986. Journal of the National
Cancer Institute, 1988. 80(9): p. 683-7.
5. Sasco, A.J., [Migration and cancer]. Revue de Medecine Interne, 1989. 10(4): p. 341-8.
6. Sorensen, T.I.A., et al., Genetic and environmental influences on
premature death in adult adoptees. New England Journal of Medicine,
1988. 318: p. 727-32.
7. Khaw, K.-T., et al., Combined Impact of Health Behaviours and
Mortality in Men and Women: The EPIC-Norfolk Prospective Population
Study. PLoS Medicine, 2008. 5(1): p. e12.
8. Andersen, B.L., et al., Psychologic Intervention Improves Survival
for Breast Cancer Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Cancer, 2008.
113: p. 3450-3458.
9. Ornish, D., et al., Increased telomerase activity and
comprehensive lifestyle changes: a pilot study. The Lancet Oncology,
2008: p. doi:10.1016/S1470-2045(08)70234-1.
10. Ornish, D., et al., Changes in prostate gene expression in men
undergoing an intensive nutrition and lifestyle intervention.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2008. 105: p.
11. Ornish, D., et al., Intensive lifestyle changes may affect the
progression of prostate cancer. Journal of Urology, 2005. 174(3): p.
1065-9; discussion 1069-70.
12. Ghadirian, P., et al., Breast cancer risk in relation to the
joint effect of BRCA mutations and diet diversity. Breast Cancer
Research & Treatment, 2009. 117: p. 417-422.
13. World_Cancer_Research_Fund, Food, Nutrition and the Prevention of
Cancer: A Global Perspective, W.C.R.F.a.A.I.f.R.o. Cancer, Editor.
2007, World Cancer Research Fund and American Institute for Research on
Cancer: London, UK.
14. Kroenke, C.H., et al., Social networks, social support, and
survival after breast cancer diagnosis. Journal of Clinical Oncology,
2006. 24(7): p. 1105-11.
Läs om Gudrun, 87, som hade återkommande besvärliga diarréer och blev frisk tack vare sina idoga anhöriga!
Läs om Boshenas pappa som blir bättre och bättre från sin alzheimer genom raw food:
Update on my Dad's progress with Alzheimer's on raw food.
* Posted by Boshena on February 11, 2012 at 10:49pm in High Carb Raw Vegan Chat
"Hi All who are watching this thread. Here is the update:
My Dad is now 2 1/2 months on raw food. We went through some pretty major cleansing I think, he still has a lot of mucous clearing, but - he does not sleep as much as he used to. He did sleep pretty much the whole day before, only getting up for food when I got him up (about 4 times waking him up before he would finally drag himself out of bed in mid afternoon. Now he gets himself up about 10 -11, and stays up till after dinner at night.
He went through the period where it got worse, where he pretty much did not even know where his room was and how many children he had. I thought - Oh, dear, I finished off my father, and was really scared. That lasted about 2 weeks, but then he started improving and now he says himself - " I was a total zombie, but now I am only half a zombie".
I used to have to take him down to the bathroom and supervise him brushing his teeth and them had to make sure that he would get into his pyjamas, but now I can give him instructions "Go downstairs, brush your teeth first and then change into your pyjamas" and he will do it!
He still gets it wrong sometimes, I send him downstairs with instructions to vacuum his room and he will steam mop it instead, but that is a far cry from previous situation of him forgetting half way down the stairs what he was going downstairs for.
He is beginning to take initiative like getting dressed before he comes up and shaving. I took him to the doctor and he gave him an OK to start going to the gym and also the doctor thought that Dad is of sound enough mind to sign his own will! He was also OK with me taking him off all the medication, so I am very relieved that I must be doing something right.
My father inquired couple of days ago if I think that he might improve enough so that he might get to drive again :-) With cataracts in both eyes it probably might not be a good idea though LOL.
So, raw food definitely works for Dementia!"